I just wanted to say that although I never met Belle, I feel I know her pretty well through the words of the family member she chose to live her life with. Belle, you were beautiful and I know that you were much loved and are much missed. You shared your unconditional love with the person who cared for you and it was much reciprocated. Bless you, Belle...
16th January 2019
Belle was a long haired Chocolate Siamese and a rescue cat. She was the runt of the litter and was constantly getting beat up by her siblings and as a result she was put up for adoption. Belle picked me out at an adoption fair on March 26, 2011. The attraction was mutual and we shared a bond that grew over the next 7+ years. We knew each other’s habits, idiosyncrasies and wants, needs & wishes. We were quite a pair. But she quickly fell victim to a brain tumor. She was losing her motor control and was fading fast. Thanks to her vet, through meds, we had an extra six weeks together. But the end inevitably came. I was totally devastated. I felt like an island surrounded by the deep waters of grief, anger, despair and uselessness. Then PBSS at Blue Cross threw me a lifeline. If it were not for “S” (she wants to remain anonymous) at PBSS I don’t know where I would be today. She gave me suggestions and encouragement that got me through that impossible process of grief and healing. If Belle and I meet on the other side, we will instantly know each other. Until then Belle will hold a place in my heart and soul.
12th January 2019
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Belle .
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Blue Cross